Facial & Body Animated Party_F_0001 - ActorCore3D ModelNoAI
Do you like this model? Free Download more models, motions and auto rigging tool AccuRIG (Value: $150+) on ActorCore
This model includes 2 mocap animations: Female_Idle, Female_talk. Get more free motions
Design for high-performance crowd animation.
✔ Geometry : 7K~10K Quads, one mesh
✔ Material : One material with changeable colors.
✔ Texture Resolution : 4K
✔ Shader : PBR, Diffuse, Normal, Roughness, Metallic, Opacity
✔ Rigged : Facial and Body (shoulders, fingers, toes, eyeballs, jaw)
✔ Blendshape : 122 for facial expressions and lipsync
✔ Compatible with iClone AccuLips, Facial ExPlus, and traditional lip-sync.
About Reallusion ActorCore
ActorCore offers the highest quality 3D asset libraries for mocap motions and animated 3D humans for crowd rendering.
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
@reallusion Have A question, Do you now the name of this character?
Great model , can i use this commercial for my game pls ?
Beautifully done! Lovely model, great results.
Thanks! I made use of this in my video for the Gleaming Spires song It's Kinda Like The Movies
@zolotoyy122 use o Mixamo para animar
Do panic stumble M02 with that one black hoodie and blue shirt human male
Hello, Thank you for your job. I have one question, I exported it to unreal engine but it's not animating, you don't know why?
chwla texture ty rakh denda
Thank you!
It's like the characters in The Sims lolbeans.online . But it's better than The Sims.
@likesfnaf70 I'm not sure your questions but I'd love to help on this, please contact our support team here: reallusion.com/CustomerSupport/UserEx/QF...
How do I add colors and texture
Where is the texture how I add color
looks good, with only two animations
@bartv That is awesome, thank you Sketchfab for having us :)
@yusuf.44.44yildirim Thanks for the feedback. If you'd like to apply more free motions, you can go to ActorCore website: actorcore.reallusion.com/motion
ActorCore motions are compatible with all major 3D tools includes Unreal Engine, Unity, Maya, Blender, iClone, Cinema 4D, Omniverse, etc.
Thanks for this asset, it would be great if it was compatible with mixamo (skeleton mismatched line) there is hardly any good quality asset in this quality, thank you
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