Triangles: 832.9k
Vertices: 416.4k
More model informationIs it really worth it?
Download link:
tell me if there is anything wrong with the link or if there are missing textures and stuff
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Sep 28th 2022
In collectionsSuggested 3D Models
becareful when opening the file all, i got a heart attack
why is haddie so silly
the time has come.
Way to go!
Great work!
You don't need to add a google drive link: It's downloadable from the site. Also, do Shrek be lookin thicc?
Eerie lobster. Cool!
Nice lobster model, I hope it doesn't
scare someone
@negrodasils You know what? sure
brother your work is fantastic! can you give us a download link?