Triangles: 103.5k
Vertices: 56.6k
More model informationFully Animated, Not mine, Textures arent mine, model isnt mine, animations aren’t mine. Fully Animated and ready to be used in a fan game, give credit for port, give credit to Steel Wool, And SCOTTGAMES
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Oct 4th 2022
In collectionsSuggested 3D Models
ifollowd you on me old name i lost me pass word foxyisthebst
Hey man!! May i ask u something??? its about ur glamrock ballora model. Nothing bad actually, everytime i download it, the body parts scramble a lot, the head and other peaces become insanly small, feet becom twisted and big, while the torso and legs are good, also, the bones get gigantic, i don't really know what to do, do you know, i really wanna use this model :'(
god idk what's more creepier? Moon with Red eyes or Moon like this?(good kind of creepy of course)
@Faertoon.Revamped Np!
@Lunar. thank you!
@Faertoon.Revamped Nice love the shade of darkness surrounding him to make it look like he's in the shadows also SunRise/SunDrop's is also well done you have Offically Gained Eclipses respect for these.
@blackrose.janagonna be honest right here, if everyone liked the same thing the world would be boring
@blackrose.jana the textures are just like in the game tho- unless u mean the name of it
@blackrose.jana ok? i dont.
@blackrose.jana what