ROJO-HS-1 ヒト 頭骨 Human Skull3D Model
学名 : ** Homo sapiens
出身地 Birthplace: 日本Japan神奈川県
年齢 Age: 30代_後半 / 30s _ late
身長 Height: about 170cm
体重 Weight: about 65kg
性別 Sex: 男性male
標本番号 Specimen No.: ROJO-HS-1
ルーツ Roots information : 日本(3/4)、アイルランド(1/4) /
Japan (3/4), Ireland (1/4)
撮影時期 Date of shooting: 2022/10
撮影方法 Method: CTスキャンを使って1 ㎜スライスで撮影、再構築し、Zbrushで適宜修正。 /
It was scaned with CT with slice thickness 1 mm and refined with Zbrush.
お願い Do me a favor? : この3Dモデルを使ってどんな作品を作ったかコメントしてくれると嬉しいです! /
Please comment on the type of work you create using this 3D model!
補足情報 Supplementary information: 記載されている「年齢・身長・体重」は5刻みでの計測結果、また撮影時点の情報です。 /
The “”age”“, “”height”“, and “”weight”” listed are the measurement results in increments of 5 and the information at the time of shooting.
個体名 ID name:** モリケント Kent MORI
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
This one really is a gem! Orbital roof and floor are closed, so you can really print them. Skull base is like looking at the real thing. You can even print the teeth seperately ! I blendered a remesh, to soften the skull base and split a "calvarium" from the "cranium", so I can print an exact study object, looking down at the base. Jeez.. makes them fancy anatomy skull models look pale. Thank you very much!
This is a great model; thank you very much for sharing!
There are very few accurate models and this is precious.