Best rigged model ever. Do you mind if I use the wheel config to rig another train. Also for some reason my pc crashes when I try to view in render mode for blender
I love this comment LOL! Thank you, it's nice to be appreciated. Now talk to me about this other's charging $100 thing! JK, I have no intention of selling anything, they're free for others to enjoy! @springs-boi-UwU
@mohd.saif01 Thanks for your feedback, might I suggest you don't download it then
bro you messed up the entire valve gear
@timblewee Fine. Can you write me your mail? I'll send information about the game there
@vladislavkryukov01 yes you can, but please let me know where I can see this as I like to see
Hello! Can I use your model for use in my game, with your name or nickname in the credits?
@timblewee is it kindly possibly to get a3 Flying Scotsman double chimney as a solid model on it’s own for 3d printing thank you?,
Best rigged model ever. Do you mind if I use the wheel config to rig another train. Also for some reason my pc crashes when I try to view in render mode for blender
can you make a 3d model of br class 28 boco
dude no problem. love your work. and im also a doctor who fan btw. got some insane tallent there.
I love this comment LOL! Thank you, it's nice to be appreciated. Now talk to me about this other's charging $100 thing! JK, I have no intention of selling anything, they're free for others to enjoy! @springs-boi-UwU
duuude this mans a legend, he doesnt make you pay $100 for a train lets gooo. love you bro holy crap.
Thank you for great flying scotsman model. Can you model Japanese or Euro train
Very nice
Done! Enjoy. @Claude-Anthony
I like it! Amazing work! Now can you do the Flying Scotsman with two tenders?
That's looking pretty good! Really Well done.
Here's a challenge for you. How about a 9f in br black? If you're feeling upto it.