Bombardier S Stock London Underground3D Model
Bombardier S Stock London Underground
Triangles: 585k
Vertices: 314.6k
More model informationLondon Underground - Bombardier S Train - Metropolitan Line
This has taken ages to do, I hope it is worthy of your likes.
Updated to include rigged doors
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Feb 6th 2022
Hii love your amazing train models keep it up
Hi, This model is brilliant would it be alr I'd I do some modifications on the interior and cab so I can add it ass a mod for minecraft
Hey! Love this model! I would like to 3D print it but converting it to stl leads to issues with the model that I can't solve. Do you have a 3D print ready version? Thank you very much for your work
@chaimpxmas that front end was an absolute bitch to do!
I've been trying to make my own S stock model and I tell you what it's really really really difficult so massive credits to you for being able to do the impossible
@radiuoz I'm glad you like, thank you for the comment
Pretty detailed. I downloaded this model for a fun project. Thanks so much!
@timblewee my progress so far with these models on minecrafr, i cant thank you exought for having these under the cc liscence! :
@queq998 None, it was done from eye and photographs with the rudimentary dimensions on wikipedia. The same as all my models.
This looks fire, what blueprints did you use?
@timblewee it will be on discord on the minecraft transit railway server, if you have discord i can send you the invite
@sonnycat1977 absolutely, let me know where I can see these though as I am always interested in what others do with them
ive imported this model and the others from you to minecraft to use on a mod that adds trains. can i release it for others to download if i give credits to you as the modeller?
Absolutely love your models they are fantastic, I've been working on some to make them game ready and it's gotten me a lot better at using blender, thank you :)
Please make a Class 345
@timblewee can you add FBX format with textures, as ROBLOX doesn't support blender materials.
@AztecAngler There are two blanks (cubes) under the train, that you can select and move. There is one for each side of the doors.
Hello ive opened it in blender how do you open the doors?
how do you download each part
@emanyengavana Sorry I have no idea, but I am sure google will give you the answer. All my models are made in blender.
how do i upload it to roblox
this is amazing!
That looks amazing and such a great gift. Glad my model helped in creating it. @GrantBeaumont
Thanks so much for your work on this. Used it to make a birthday card for a tube loving friend.