Hannan.h (@Hannan.h)3 months agoBeautifully crafted and hand-painted! The attention to detail and texturing really brings this cut fish model to life. Great work using Maya, Zbrush, and Substance Painter to create this masterpiece! capcutmodapk.pro/ReplyReport comment
Suushimi✨ (@Suushimi)Model author2 years ago@Joselo.Rocha.Art Thank you Unfortunately I don't sorry!ReplyReport comment
Joselo Rocha Art (@Joselo.Rocha.Art)2 years agoThis is amazing! Do you have a tutorial?ReplyReport comment
Suushimi✨ (@Suushimi)Model author3 years ago@aerixartgamesofficial Naw thank you so much ReplyReport comment
AerixArtGames (@aerixartgamesofficial)3 years agoYou're super talented, keep up the awesome work! Followed : )ReplyReport comment
Suushimi✨ (@Suushimi)Model author3 years ago@bartv Waaa so cool!! Thank you for sharing :DReplyReport comment
Bartenterprise (@bartv)3 years agoOur friends at CG Channel featured you, enjoy!cgchannel.com/2022/01/sketchfabs-models-...ReplyReport comment
Suushimi✨ (@Suushimi)Model author3 years ago@abby and @Tycho_Magnetic_Anomaly Thank you so much! :DReplyReport comment
Abby Crawfordteam (@abby)3 years agoWell done! It's got my staff pick. Thanks to @Tycho_Magnetic_Anomaly for the suggestion!ReplyReport comment
Suushimi✨ (@Suushimi)Model author3 years ago@Tycho_Magnetic_Anomaly Hahah thank you :pReplyReport comment
Beautifully crafted and hand-painted! The attention to detail and texturing really brings this cut fish model to life. Great work using Maya, Zbrush, and Substance Painter to create this masterpiece!
Brutiful !
@Joselo.Rocha.Art Thank you
Unfortunately I don't sorry!
This is amazing! Do you have a tutorial?
nice :)
@4secs Thank you

@aerixartgamesofficial Naw thank you so much
You're super talented, keep up the awesome work! Followed : )
Nice Work
Great work! : )
this fish so cute
Loving it
well that is dinner tonight
@bartv Waaa so cool!! Thank you for sharing :D
Our friends at CG Channel featured you, enjoy!
@iggy-design Thank you! ^^
Whooa ! Beautifl!
@abby and @Tycho_Magnetic_Anomaly Thank you so much! :D
Well done! It's got my staff pick.
Thanks to @Tycho_Magnetic_Anomaly for the suggestion!
@Tycho_Magnetic_Anomaly Hahah thank you :p