@xgamex Daz Studio (or Daz3D) is a character creation tool similar to Reallusion's Character Creator. Daz made the model (not Camilooh), and the model is included as a free asset in their Daz Studio software, which is also free, you just have to join their website and download it, and you can use it any artwork you want, including commercially, as long as you redistributing the model itself, including in games (the models not compatible with CC-BY licensing, not that Camilooh credited anyone).
The basic proportions of the model's body and limbs are pretty accurate, and can be adjusted fairly easily within Daz Studio. You can use the posing tools to scale the limbs, or use morphs if you purchase the body morphs pack.
@sam99liljeholm No, modifying it doesn't make it legal to sell the MODEL commercially, but the Daz base meshes can be legally used in commercial ARTWORK (rendered stills and animations) without any special licensing. You just need to join the daz studio website and download the program and included assets. The base meshes are free content included in the software (also free). Buying the interactive license allows you to sell games that use the model, but not sell the model itself (or derivatives thereof).
Now you can sell Daz "characters", but basically ONLY in their proprietary Daz Studio formats or Poser equivalents. You can't sell character models like you're thinking of, the "characters" are just morphs and/or textures that are applied to the model within the Daz Studio program, and require the Daz Studio program and assets to function. They're NOT standalone .obj/.fbx/.blend files that can be used in any program.
@nanoglyph Do you know is this a Daz type model or what Maker?
1) Is this female anatomically correct? - meaning the basic proportions of body to arms are realistic? (Not doll or anime - but if you know it is standard anime proportions, then I could still use it.)
(I made a model and the arm/hand size is wrong. So I want a semi realistic base to compare to.) Ty
@sam99liljeholm If you just want to render it, commercially or otherwise, you can download Daz3D and export the basemesh into whatever program you want to use it in. If you plan to sculpt and texture custom characters yourself, you won't need the $ morph packs or addons, the free base product will do. There are male and female basemeshes.
If you want to make games, sell custom characters (except as morphs to the genesis base, to be used natively in Daz), 3D print, or otherwise share derivatives of the model it gets trickier. Buying the "interactive license" allows it to be used in closed source games, but not to be redistributed in any of the other ways (such as uploading to sketchfab, or like scammers selling the base mesh as their own character on sketchfab/cgtrader do).
@nanoglyph I see, so it's not theirs, that's kinda why i asked, would like to use a good basemesh, but do not want to use unless I get a better idea that it is actually capable of being used
@sam99liljeholm It would've only taken a couple minutes, perhaps more if this was Camilooh's first time exporting the Daz basemesh out of Daz Studio and they needed to Google it. Daz is free, and the legal version of their basemesh is textured as well. However, sharing the model as CCBY is completely illegal as it's completely proprietary.
Uploading the Daz basemeshes to trick people into believing someone is a skilled character modeler is a popular past time on Sketchfab, and popular $ scam product on both Sketchfab and CGTrader. You'll see this exact same topology all over the place, some people triangulate it first to be sneakier.
How do I just get the base mesh? I cant apply modifiers.
does the model have a t- pose? I'm not interested in the rig.
@Kalloww00 I tried but it didn’t work
Convert to .obj
Thank you for making an woman with correct proportions for once.
How to I open in procreate
Very nice topology I thank you
Thank you!
@xgamex Daz Studio (or Daz3D) is a character creation tool similar to Reallusion's Character Creator. Daz made the model (not Camilooh), and the model is included as a free asset in their Daz Studio software, which is also free, you just have to join their website and download it, and you can use it any artwork you want, including commercially, as long as you redistributing the model itself, including in games (the models not compatible with CC-BY licensing, not that Camilooh credited anyone).
The basic proportions of the model's body and limbs are pretty accurate, and can be adjusted fairly easily within Daz Studio. You can use the posing tools to scale the limbs, or use morphs if you purchase the body morphs pack.
@sam99liljeholm No, modifying it doesn't make it legal to sell the MODEL commercially, but the Daz base meshes can be legally used in commercial ARTWORK (rendered stills and animations) without any special licensing. You just need to join the daz studio website and download the program and included assets. The base meshes are free content included in the software (also free). Buying the interactive license allows you to sell games that use the model, but not sell the model itself (or derivatives thereof).
Now you can sell Daz "characters", but basically ONLY in their proprietary Daz Studio formats or Poser equivalents. You can't sell character models like you're thinking of, the "characters" are just morphs and/or textures that are applied to the model within the Daz Studio program, and require the Daz Studio program and assets to function. They're NOT standalone .obj/.fbx/.blend files that can be used in any program.
Thank you!! you saved me a lot of time
@nanoglyph Do you know is this a Daz type model or what Maker?
1) Is this female anatomically correct? - meaning the basic proportions of body to arms are realistic? (Not doll or anime - but if you know it is standard anime proportions, then I could still use it.)
(I made a model and the arm/hand size is wrong. So I want a semi realistic base to compare to.) Ty
@nanoglyph Huh, so you're saying if you modify the base mesh enough, it's free to use commercially and otherwise? I'm not sure I follow
@sam99liljeholm If you just want to render it, commercially or otherwise, you can download Daz3D and export the basemesh into whatever program you want to use it in. If you plan to sculpt and texture custom characters yourself, you won't need the $ morph packs or addons, the free base product will do. There are male and female basemeshes.
If you want to make games, sell custom characters (except as morphs to the genesis base, to be used natively in Daz), 3D print, or otherwise share derivatives of the model it gets trickier. Buying the "interactive license" allows it to be used in closed source games, but not to be redistributed in any of the other ways (such as uploading to sketchfab, or like scammers selling the base mesh as their own character on sketchfab/cgtrader do).
@nanoglyph I see, so it's not theirs, that's kinda why i asked, would like to use a good basemesh, but do not want to use unless I get a better idea that it is actually capable of being used
@sam99liljeholm It would've only taken a couple minutes, perhaps more if this was Camilooh's first time exporting the Daz basemesh out of Daz Studio and they needed to Google it. Daz is free, and the legal version of their basemesh is textured as well. However, sharing the model as CCBY is completely illegal as it's completely proprietary.
Uploading the Daz basemeshes to trick people into believing someone is a skilled character modeler is a popular past time on Sketchfab, and popular $ scam product on both Sketchfab and CGTrader. You'll see this exact same topology all over the place, some people triangulate it first to be sneakier.
How long did it take you to make this?
This is a DAZ model