Middle Kingdom Artifacts dumped by Padiamenope3D Model
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How to quote this model in a scientific paper?
Fr. Colin, “Middle Kingdom Artifacts dumped by Padiamenope’s Workmen, Synthesis”, Maquette AS-2023-2Q-3, 2X-1 & 3D-4, Strasbourg, 2024, DOI: 10.34847/nkl.dcb556l7.
Specifying the model DOI is necessary to ensure its permanent quotation, regardless of its location. It is stored in a long-lasting way on the data service “Nakala” of the “TGIR Huma-Num” (https://www.nakala.fr).
Bibliography: Colin 2024.
Photogr. survey & modeling: Fr. Colin. Topo: Cassandre Hartenstein, Univ. Strasbourg UMR 7044 Archimède. Partners: Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, IFAO, Univ. Strasbourg, CNRS.
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