the model needs work so unless you know how to use blender ill tell ya now its missing polygons. every piece has a wall or two missing. also the textures are flipped but that might just be my game engine and the .obj extension, .fbx is way better. i can fix this in a few minutes but figured id save those the time who dont know how to use 3d software till its fixed. at no point should you be able to see through the model it should be closed and convex otherwise game engines will nuke themselves lol
@bgsgames do you know what your asking LOL first off can you write game code and logic? c# would be a base skill then you get into unityscript, enforce script ect ect depending on the game engine your choosing to use. then you have to learn how to do 3D modeling for that specific game engine they all dont work alike or use the same materials (textures). theres an enormous amount of knowledge and work that goes into building a game which is why theres teams of people doing it. so first learn coding cause your going to be doing months worth of it. then select a game engine you want to use, unreal, unity and learn their coding language. then learn how to build 3d models for that engine. its not impossible i taught myself dayz in about 2 years but thats not even my own game i just build complete worlds for it so on my end the game logic and code is done already saving tons of time. But to build one from scratch is a massive massive undertaking
Thank you
the model needs work so unless you know how to use blender ill tell ya now its missing polygons. every piece has a wall or two missing. also the textures are flipped but that might just be my game engine and the .obj extension, .fbx is way better. i can fix this in a few minutes but figured id save those the time who dont know how to use 3d software till its fixed. at no point should you be able to see through the model it should be closed and convex otherwise game engines will nuke themselves lol
@bgsgames do you know what your asking LOL first off can you write game code and logic? c# would be a base skill then you get into unityscript, enforce script ect ect depending on the game engine your choosing to use. then you have to learn how to do 3D modeling for that specific game engine they all dont work alike or use the same materials (textures). theres an enormous amount of knowledge and work that goes into building a game which is why theres teams of people doing it. so first learn coding cause your going to be doing months worth of it. then select a game engine you want to use, unreal, unity and learn their coding language. then learn how to build 3d models for that engine. its not impossible i taught myself dayz in about 2 years but thats not even my own game i just build complete worlds for it so on my end the game logic and code is done already saving tons of time. But to build one from scratch is a massive massive undertaking
@bgsgames Start with UE5. Easy to play around with.
how do I make my own game? I'm using sketch, fab and blender, and I also want to make my own character
thanks for the download