Triangles: 743.4k
Vertices: 371.7k
More model informationObject: Damenkleid für eine Redoute
Inventory number: T 11827
Entwurf: Josef Hoffmann, um 1910
Manufaktur: Wiener Werkstätte, Wien, um 1910
Material / Technik: Seide, Baumwolle, Metall, Atlas, Applikation, genäht
Maße: Höhe: 145 cm, Breite: 109 cm
Reproduction by Digilithic (
This object was scanned within the project “MAK 3D – digital assets, data, display“. The project is co-founded by the Federal Ministry of the Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport of the Republic of Austria. EU Programm „NextGenerationEU“.