Triangles: 60.3k
Vertices: 33.7k
More model informationThe Barbie universe has only its own rules, and there are no Harleys :)
Barbie-Davidson Chopper Bike
Model from - Traffic Rider
Modified to Barbie style by Alex.Ka.
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivsCC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
Jul 10th 2023
- bike
- vehicule
- vehicles
- style
- motorbike
- chopper
- motorcycle
- pink
- modified
- harley
- quality
- free3dmodel
- freedownload
- stilized
- vehicledesign
- harley-davidson
- free-download
- barbie
- gamereadymodel
- freemodel
- free-model
- freetouse
- gameready-lowpoly
- 3d
- vehicle
- car
- free
- 3dmodel
- gameready
- barbi
- freetodownload
- qualitycontent
- chopper-bike
- freefire3dmodels
- alexka
- trafficrider
- qualitymodel
- alscars
- barbie-davidson
- pinkbike
- barbiebike
- barbie2023
In collectionsSuggested 3D Models
half texture is missing
so cute and hot looking bike perfect for me ^^
hi detail
You should be getting money for that kind of stuff.
Your work is more than wonderful!! What a wonderful, talented artist you are!!! Thank you so much. I use Poser, Daz Studio and Carrara. I believe I will need to apply the textures manually. I am really surprised Carrara isn't asking me for the textures. I read on the DS forums that the obj file can be adjusted to point to the texture folder. I might try that!!!
"hey wanna see my motorbike" "sure" "FEAST YOUR EYES ON THIS" (you did a great job!)
@Alex.Ka. cool. Thanks!
@unitcodes perhaps, when a good idea will appears
Thank you for sharing this. Are you planning to do a barbie car version as well?
pls sub to my channel search up @MichaelSpongeBob, on Youtube just exactly how I spelled it and, sub and comment, then ill sub to ya’ll - videos or not. I make A-I covers with spongebob, mostly Pop Artist, like Michael Jackson Pls i like this!
Barbie rules! Barbie queen of the highways! Barbie Speedqueen for president! hehe Excellent model and thank you for sharing it!