Triangles: 156.6k
Vertices: 78.3k
More model informationStructured light scan of a paleolithic flint handaxe discovered in the United Kingdom (in 1975).
Produced for prof. Mark White. Durham University, Department of Archaeology.
Jun 6th 2023
- structured-light-scanner
- flint
- artec
- museum
- durham
- prehistory
- handaxe
- paleolithic
- structured-light
- artecspider
- artec3d
- artec-studio
- united-kingdom
- archaeology-historical
- flintknapping
- museumcollection
- artec-space-spider
- county-durham
- archaeology-3dscan
- archaeology-3dmodel
- archaeology
- axe
- prehistoric
- prehistory-lithic
- handaxe-photogrammetry
- structured-light-scanning
- flint-tool
- structured-light-3d-scanner
- structured-light-scan
- structured-lightscanning
- noai
- durham-university-department-of-archaeology
- durham-archaeology
@AlexanderC.Q.Jansen Looks awesome - subtle but definitely more realistic
@nebulousflynn Many thanks! And thank you for the suggestion as well; I've quickly made and added a glossiness texture map (and tweaked the reflections a bit further)!
If you painted a roughness/glossiness texture map (e.g. white/black for shiny/not shiny), the rendering might look even more realsitic.