Morglawdd yr harbwr ym Mhorthclais, ger Tyddewi, yn Sir Benfro. Cilfach gul yw Porthclais, a ddefnyddiwyd fel man glanio ers canrifoedd. Er ei fod yn adfeiliedig erbyn dechrau’r 20fed ganrif, fe’i hadferwyd yn y 1970au ac mae yng ngofal Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol Cymru ac Awdurdod Harbwr Porthclais. NPRN 343342,
Arolygodd CBHC y morglawdd ar 20/03/2023 gan ddefnyddio ffotogrametreg.. Cyflawnwyd y gwaith gan y Prosiect CHERISH,
Harbour breakwater at Porthclais, near St Davids, in Pembrokeshire. Porthclais is a narrow inlet, used as a landing point for centuries. Although delapidated by the early 20th century, it was restored in the 1970s and is in the care of National Trust Wales and the Porthclais Harbour Authority. NPRN 343342,
The RCAHMW surveyed the breakwater on the 20/03/2023 using photogrammetry. The work was undertaken by the CHERISH Project,