Triangles: 64.2k
Vertices: 53.4k
More model informationCyberpunk Neon city made in Blender 3d will be a part of the series. This is is #1. Inspired by New York. The cyberpunk city is perfect for both Eevee and Cycles.
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Nov 27th 2022
- scene
- buildings
- cyberpunk
- skyscraper
- newyork
- cityscene
- neon
- eevee
- cityscape
- low-poly-model
- citymodel
- lowpolymodel
- cuberpunk
- skyscrapers
- newyorkcity
- 2077
- blender-lowpoly
- citylight
- envirement
- city-building
- citylights
- cyberpunk-2077
- cyberpunk2077
- blender
- lowpoly
- blender3d
- city
- cycles
- blender-cycles
- futeristic
- neoncity
- nightcity
- newyorkdesign
- cyberpunkcity
seems to lack textures, did you pack the resources?
thank you! very awesome city model!
I saw this exact model in roblox studio toolbox
thank you for this awesome model I love it!
Yaa nam Moooorae
Hi! can i use these models for my game?
I even saw the same model from roblox studio,