Triangles: 4k
Vertices: 2.4k
More model informationold soviet elevator “Clean” and “Dirt” Version.
WARNING! “there are a lot of obscene Russian words in the dirty version”
**If you want to support the author, you can send donations to
Jan 21st 2022
Now available on
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как скачать то емае
Лифт просто иди идеальный.
@pozhiloichevapchich хахахаха
Can i use your assets for my roblox game
Well done, textures are really neat.
@pozhiloichevapchich Мало ищи еще!)
I am very grateful to be able to use your ASSET in my video clip
@shedmon thank u so much
@1az110 ye, you can
May I use your model? For the PROJECT of my university? thanks
@rhaskia some magic aint it
how have you managed to fit two of each texture with the same name in the zip.... what the hell?
нашёл на этой модельке 4 писюна
I wish u have english or Portuguese ObsceneWords On it but its a beauty work thanks for sharing
Wonderful work, much respect!!
Ебейший лифт, респект
Wow, just wow, this is amazing, I can't believe the detail, and I love how it comes with its own animation!
Захотелось пописать там
Эстетично :)
Good job!