Triangles: 1.5k
Vertices: 877
More model informationJust a handheld flashlight. I made it because it was lying on my desk while I was working. There were no other reasons :) Possibly suitable for some “horror game with a monster” on Unity
Normal in DirectX; emission can be animated
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Jan 17th 2022
This model is amazing nice job
i will use this for my horror game
i will use this on my horror game as well
@fanden12 same, this is great for a horror game
I'll use this for my horror game
Hello, i am currently working on a mascot horror game and this flashlight will be the main item/mechanic of the game. Is it okay if i use it?
Looks good, Is it ok if I use this for a horror game on Roblox?
Is it ok if I use this in a game I'm working on?
@aaowaz.13 @aaowaz.13 hahaha
Thanks so much it gives me vibes
hell yea
Thank you!
very good made
might use
perfect for my horror movie
looks like a light saber
t h a n k y o u .