Homemade Bread .::RAWscan::.3D Model
Homemade Bread .::RAWscan::.
Triangles: 112.9k
Vertices: 56.4k
More model informationHomemade Bread .::RAWscan::.
4k Albedo + 4k Occlusion + 4k Normals
Photogrammetry scan
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
May 9th 2021
Now available on
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I converted your model to low poly version. Baked and optimised. sketchfab.com/3d-models/homemade-bread-1...
I took 2 rows of 48 photos for the top and another 2 rows of 48 photos for the bottom.
192 photos in total
How many pictures have you taken to do this?
Inside the .7z file you will find the .obj
.7z is the extension of compressed files, such as .zip or .rar
Extract the compressed folder and you will have what you are looking for. You can use 7-zip but also WinZip or WinRar
Is it just me or everybody is getting .7z file instead of .obj after downloading?
Amazing , Tried converting your scanned model to low poly sketchfab.com/3d-models/homemade-bread-l...
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@madgiraffe Thanks so much.
I very much appreciated your response.
As soon as I have some time available I will study a bit of general PBR and Blender
@spogna Don't really know about how to get SSS to work here on Sketchfab (maybe something with the specific exporter API's varying between programs, bottom of the website here under Ecosystem), but I've seen some that managed to do that here.
I only know of this Blender tutorial that shows how to get SSS there that does it entirely with shaders (SSS and gloss) youtu.be/rrP1-ZJz3GA?t=1896
One option to control SSS is to get a texture mask (black-white) as well, so it's only working on the thin parts, which is just mixing the output of the SSS with a texture to attenuate it..
Alternatively, you can just fake it with self illumination, but this is only advised to use sparingly in still renders to save rendertime...
The whole roughness metalness thing is best to just get a more general tutorial on how PBR works, since that's just fundamental. help.sketchfab.com/hc/en-us/articles/204...
Thanks madgiraffe!
I tried to add SSS here on sketchfab but honestly I don't know how to use it and I couldn't get a satisfactory result.
If you have any suggestions they are welcome !!!
And if you know some good tutorials to learn these things, like SSS - Roughness - Metalness etc. etc., I would be grateful!
Superclean, looks delicious! Might look even better with some added SSS and very light specular.