Triangles: 2.2k
Vertices: 2.2k
More model informationAs my little 100 Follower giveaway i wanted to give you all a can of MONSTER (not sponsored sadly) So enjoy your free monster drink .. although it’s only digital.
Low res version will be used in my mad labs scene :)
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Jun 11th 2016
Thanks for the model!
can i use this for a commision?
@gouldhost download the gltf model
@remy228006 as long as you provide credit to me, sure
Hello, can i port this model to Garry's Mod? My friends asked me for this.
Nice job
Fantastic model!, you can see your model rendered with Maverick here!
@gouldhost Sorry to hear that. I made a really quick tutorial for you how to add the textures, simply repeat that for albedo(color), metallic, roughness, normal, ao and it should work
First time i used blender so i can't give you guides on how the rendering works.
@dark-minaz Never seems to be... .-. I've tried texturing before but surely everyone makes cycles render sound like a God module. So no one really has advice for blender render. I'm able to make like posters and such and floor boards but it gets weird at 3d objects with multiple parts. I mean the can should just be re-aligning but it's that precision that intimidates me. It just annoys me that sketch fab is like that and other sites sometimes aren't.
@gouldhost not sure, just add them by hand in your 3d app. Usually very simple to do.
I'm new to modeling. Why is it when i download it it doesn't pre-apply textures. Other OBJ formats do. It seems like a sketch fab exclusive issue. What's a easy way you'd suggest to fix this ?
Very nice. Just what i needed
Well done!!
Needed this in SL -sips- so I can finally mow my lawn.
amazing it looks just like the real can
I had no idea Monster had that many vitamins. Awesome stuff though!
Thanks for the kind words, hope you find some use for it :)
Perfect model, and thank you so much for the download!