VR-Weiguan Collapsed Building (Feb.7,2016)3D Model
VR-Weiguan Collapsed Building (Feb.7,2016)
Triangles: 1M
Vertices: 510.6k
More model information20160206 Tainan Earthquake 台南美濃地震 DJI Phaton3 12M Pixel, 177 Photos, 9 Vertical Strip +1 Oblique Round Trip. 此成果具地理對位,可供長度量測、體積量化等需求。正射影像(Ortho-image )在googlemap上的疊圖 http://lihsin2000.github.io/site/buildingcollapse_mosaic.html
國立成功大學 測量及空間資訊學系 數碼城市實驗室製作 UAV航拍資料提供:台灣整合防災工程技術顧問有限公司
Made by Laboratory of Cyber City, Department of Geomatics, NCKU, Taiwan
Feb 8th 2016
Is it possible to take a screenshot of this 3D model ? I am part of a scientific committee and it would be to put it in one of my presentations.
Many thanks!
can someone explain how did they capture this? what system/ drone?
Verry interesting! Marco Boulogne, dutch urban search and rescue team. Www.usar.nl.
A great example of 3d modeling aiding with documentation, rescue, etc. I wonder if this model could be admitted as evidence for legal purposes? At the very least, unlike flat 2d photos, it would give viewers a spatial view that would speak so much about the destruction.
Many thanks for sharing, I have updated my blog post with this newer model: