Triangles: 104.8k
Vertices: 103.2k
More model informationDone as an anatomy study in zBrush.
Based of the idea of the head planes from the Asaro Head sculpt, I wanted to produce something that would serve as a reference for other artists in order to better grasp the shapes of the skull. It’s not fully correct anatomy-wise due to the style, but it’s pretty accurate to the human skull.
Feel free to download it!
CC Attribution-NoDerivsCreative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs
Jan 24th 2016
can I use this for an album cover?
can i use this for my game?
Awesome! Thank you for sharing!
I took your model. Thank you. The spirit of free sharing is great
Спасибо, отличная модель, сетка чистая и аккуратная)
Awesome Thank You! Nice Clean Model.
Замечательная модель!
Wonderful model!
I think it's a great model, no need to be a fully correct anatomy. I like it, it seems like a more friendly skull
can i use your models in a short free medical animation