Triangles: 149.8k
Vertices: 74.6k
More model informationCasco montefortino adquirido en 1998 por el Museo Arqueológico Nacional. Este tipo de casco fue muy popular en Italia entre los siglos IV a.C. y I. En concreto, este ejemplar pertenece al tipo Canosa, el más antiguo de todos, fechándose comúnmente entre los ss. IV - III a.C.
Nº inv. MAN 1998/94/1
Montefortino helmet acquired in 1998 by the National Archaeological Museum of Spain. This kind of helmet was widely used in Italy between the 4th Century BC and the 1st Century AD. This particular one belongs to the canosa type, the earliest, dating from 4th to 3rd Century BC.
Creado por / created by: 3D Stoa - Patrimonio y Tecnología
Jan 12th 2016
Muy bueno Nestor...
Hi @fpan, there's actually no secret to it. Good photos, a lot of processing time, even more optimizing time and voilà, here you have the results.
Would love to see your workflow or hear any tips on how you handled the jagged edges and thin metal so well. Looks great!
Parece que su dueño no debió salir bien parado...
Sorry, wrong account! ;)
Thank you @xiezhong
I'm glad you liked it. This one was quite a challenge due to its size, shape and the thinness of the bronze surface (specially on the broken edges)
Thank you @xiezhong
I'm glad you liked it. This one was quite a challenge due to its size, shape and the thinness of the bronze surface (specially on the broken edges)
Parece que ha recibido varios mazazos, ¿no?
Your works are always so great!