Anglo-Saxon Cremation Urn3D Model
3D model designed to facilitate research on a 6th-century Anglo-Saxon cremation urn excavated at Loveden Hill, Lincolnshire (British Museum No.1963,1001.14; height 155mm, diameter 180mm). The urn carries a runic inscription (Siþæbæd – a personal name), one of the earliest examples of written Old English, the 3D model enables more accurate analysis of the inscription in its object context. This model was created by Dominic Powlesland as part of a collaborative project between The Landscape Research Centre and The Impact of Diasporas on the Making of Britain research programme (University of Leicester and University of Nottingham, funded by The Leverhulme Trust), and has been completed with the support of the Trustees of the British Museum and the assistance of the Department of Britain, Europe and Prehistory. To read more about the Runes and the creation of the model view the blog entry at
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