Really nice work. I love that it seems shadeless but you added reflections in windows/water and use real-time shadows.
Despite being so low-poly, performance isn't as great as it could be. I notice you have just 32 materials, but 100s - 1000s of geometries/meshes. If you can join all the meshes (ideally one per material) you'll probably see a nice improvement to rendering speed, especially on mobile.
It is so good
thx bro for this
Great Work. Thanks for sharing this island home model can i use this in my project :
That's beautiful! lovely model!
keep inpiring dude your work is awesome..!!
really good!
What program did you use ? Kewl model ;)
It’s really nice.May I download it?
this is too good , can you tell me how to get idea about other side of the concept which is not visible ....
how get it 0.0
so good
Wery nice!
Congratulations, you were just featured on CG Channel!
Cool! Do you sell it?
Nice composition!:D
@axelroo - yes it's fine. I was just offering some suggestions to make it even better :)
Looks light enough to go on a mobile.
@alagremm probably around 10-15 hours. So much of that was spent on stuff that didn't even make it in :P
Thanks guys! @james I'll have to look into combining meshes...
Lovely! We're giving it a Staff Pick :)
Really nice work. I love that it seems shadeless but you added reflections in windows/water and use real-time shadows.
Despite being so low-poly, performance isn't as great as it could be. I notice you have just 32 materials, but 100s - 1000s of geometries/meshes. If you can join all the meshes (ideally one per material) you'll probably see a nice improvement to rendering speed, especially on mobile.