Triangles: 8k
Vertices: 6.8k
More model informationAn Ironman fan art just in time for Age of Ultron! Based on a concept by Nikonov Aleksandr. All other aspects done by me.
High-res breakdowns:
Apr 27th 2015
Hay alguna forma de descargar el modelo.
Esque me encantaría hacerlo un papercraft
So where's Tony Stark? The chest cavity behind the port hole?
love the concept and i also love how it gives out a leauge of legends vibe
This is really an awesome concept and I really like the idea,how ever, I should ask, its not a suit right!?
because I love this model very very much!!
so can I download your model?
thanks for you
I love the stylization and the texturing.
Thanks Tommy! I'll give it a try.
I so like this guy, he's got so much character. Something a bit Hellboy about him too.
@Rory.Baxter I highly recommend 3D-Coat. Really easy to use!
This is brilliant. Love the design.
Is it fun painting textures in 3DCoat? You recommend it?
Looks awesome! Though looks more like a robot than a man in an exo suit.
this is heckin cool
This is so cool !! pls share the 3d file cause I want to get it printed
@boulling Gave a crit to your Predator model. Check out the comments section!
Ok, I didin't use 3Dcoat yet but I will VERYsoon :D (I have a tutorial but didn't see it yet) !
May I contact you if I need some help or tips ?
And by the way, I don't want to take your time offcourse but if that is possible, could I have your feedback on my Predator character please ? It will help me so much but I don't have many followers like you (soon ! 785 remaining xD) so it's a little tricky to identify properly some gaps, or things I must to do, and visibility.
You can contact me on my email offcourse and thank you in any case ! :]
@boulling Yeap! For all my models here, texture work is done in 3D-Coat and Photoshop. I bounce back and forth from both programs as needed. I sculpt and model with Zbrush and Maya.
Nice ! Did you use 3dcoat?
And done! Enjoy the newly updated rock base. The old one felt a little too blobby for me now. This is a cleaner more solid looking rock for him stand on.
@boulling Haha. Thanks for sticking around man! :)
Ok ! Keep us in touch :)
Thanks again guys!
Heads up, I'm doing an update to this old character, so the viewer might be messed up for the time being while I upload. Won't take long.
Very nice !
Amazing Work!!! I`m impressed
Oh my, that's cute! Wow! Very nicely done!