hi, i want to download this model to 3D print it for a girl I have a huge crush on. could you possibly provide me the STL files, so that i can get it printed? thanks?
BEAUTIFUL! I would love to use this for a talk I am giving at the Peabody Museum about the Western Interior Seaway. Any chance you could make it (or the singular plate) available for download? Thanks in advance!
I´m interesting in this model to 3D. could you possibly provide me the STL files? or how can I contact you? my email is lgs.bio12@gmail.com
I´m working with phytoplanckton.
Could you possibly provide me the STL files, please, so that i can get it printed? thanks?
@marieagr thank you so much!
@sajan.maharjan294 check this out ;) you can find one there - watch out, it's actually not easy to 3D print ! planktomania.org/en/#ressources
hi, i want to download this model to 3D print it for a girl I have a huge crush on. could you possibly provide me the STL files, so that i can get it printed? thanks?
Hi , great work, I would also like to use this model, how can I contact you? my email is yoav.avrahami@mail.huji.ac.il
Beautiful work! Any chance this could be available for purchase? I am working on an educational project in augmented reality!
BEAUTIFUL! I would love to use this for a talk I am giving at the Peabody Museum about the Western Interior Seaway. Any chance you could make it (or the singular plate) available for download? Thanks in advance!
very nice