This large decorated kerbstone is situated at the entrance of the great mound passage grave (ME019-045---- ) at Newgrange, Brú na Bóinne, Co. Meath, Ireland. The stone is decorated on the front surface with a series of clockwise and anti-clockwise spirals, picked in relief with the spirals to the left hand side presenting a triple spiral form similar to that contained within the passsage tomb. There are also lozenges to the left side of the stone and also areas of picking. Approximately in the centre of the stone is a vertical groove/line which potentially lines up with K52 on the opposite side of the monument. The stone was probably carved in situ using a a flint or quartz point. The stone is approximately 3.2m long and 1.2m high.
Capture Date: 10/06/2014 Capture: Artec Eva SLS Processing: Artec Studio 16, Geomagic Design X 2024 Modelling: 3DSMax 2024, Marmoset Toolbag 4, Substance Painter 9 Texture: Synthetic stone
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Are these downloadable?
@fernandala lol whats wrong with asking for open access to archaeological data
please make it available for download
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