A collection of reprocessed scanned animal skulls (other free assets here), initally designed to be used as as game props, particles or for optimized renderings.
BUT: the method I used for remeshing and texture baking was not adapted in this case, and many normal inversions for instance have happened. Moreover, as these assets were batch-processed, I neglected some parts of the material, hence some black zones on the scans…
You can of course still use them for your projects, but know that the quality on those baked models is not that good! Plus 1024px is too few for those complex objects…
Each model is made of 2500 triangles, and 1024 pixels albedo and normal maps.
The original scans were first remeshed with mmgs, and decimated, UV unwrapped and baked in blender. Normal maps are ready to use for Unreal Engine, don’t forget to flip their green channel in Unity!
All the original scans come from the great collection of UVic Libraries - @uviclib .
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Thanks for sharing. These are very interesting.
what animal was 23_skuul ?
thank you!
Beautyfully done!
It will help me a lot to varies enemy characters in game creation. Thank you!
Gracias por compartir tu excelente trabajo.
@bamlovrrr I would just use an OBJ to STL converter. You can find a good one at this link here nchsoftware.com/3dconverter/index.html. Then using the program open up the OBJ file, select your output format to be "STL" and press "convert" in the bottom right. Once your do that just open the STL file in your slicer program and you should be good to go!
can you 3d print these and if so how would you go about doing? like whats a good printer and sofware to use because i tried already but i coudlnt do it. i had a mars pro 3 with buitubox but i couldnt convert this file into a file i could use. someone plese help!!
exquisite, but low polygon
Ty so much. You are gorgeous!
@dima.korty.creator так это отсюда sketchfab.com/uviclib
Nice collection... thank you
verygood job thank a lot.
класс. только пикча превю не информативно отображает модельки) чуть не пролистал такое сокровище.
Cool. Thank you.
thank you!
Thank you!
This is golden. Thank you oh so much :)
Ur a king
This too free...Seriously ?...thank man