Triangles: 6k
Vertices: 3.5k
More model informationI always found the sheriff’s office interior interesting in Mother 3, so I just decided to give it a 3d depth trying to stay as close to the original as possible!
Unlike my Pokemon remodels, this one I painted less outlines in the texture itself so here they are just meshes.
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Dec 28th 2017
awsome work man
@Wesai I would totally commission you aswell!
@pencekurosaki I don't know if I'll make another Mother 3 fanart in the future but if I do I'll consider your request. Don't get your hopes up, though.
Could you do Yado Inn? Or perhaps Tazmily Village? I would love that so much!
@klaasnienhuis Pretty cool!
Hi Wesai, I've used this model in a tech demo to illustrate how the 3dsmax exporter can now do lightbaking and retain the original UV coordinates:
@raq0915 Hello and thank you! I'm glad you liked the quality of this model. Unfortunately I'll have to pass on that offer because I'm a bit busy with other things. I wish you the best of luck with your project and look forward to play it when it's finished.
Hello! Im currently in the process of assembling a team to create an Earthbound 3d remake and/or fan game. Im extremely impressed with this model and the design style. Is there any chance you would be willing to join our team? Thanks
@UltraBYTGames Sure, go ahead.
Can I Use This?