Triangles: 7.3k
Vertices: 4k
More model informationThis head have crying in dark, when you not seen her
License - CC Attribution-ShareAlike
NEW version on SketchFab:
CC Attribution-ShareAlikeCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
Jan 5th 2018
In collectionsSuggested 3D Models
awesome !!!!
Why does it have to be cc
@Starven38 No problem. I am really so gladly
@Dan5u Thanks, bro
@Starven38 Thank you so much! You awesome person
I wish you GOOD LUCK! Wonderful day's
I promise you I give you credit and supported you
@Dan5u yes
@Starven38 I am really so sorry my questions.
I know it's free. Thank you so much
But, it's your original work?
@Dan5u Just use it, it's free, bro)
I am really so want to use this 3 Assets in my game.
please forgive me. I am really so sorry... This Assets Your Original Work (Please don't think bad Idea I am afraid for copyrights)?
@Dan5u Of course, bro, it's free all)
I can use and I can sell my game on EpicStore or any site use your asset? Of course I give you credit. I promise you
It's so cute!
I used your model in a medical education video that I posted a few minutes ago. Thank you so much!
sheesh scary
@Moon_Fargis Thats impressively, thanks for use my model in mode :)
@Starven38 sure, heres a youtuber encountering it for the first time:
@Moon_Fargis woow, can i see this?
it sounds good
we have been using it in our free Silent hill Fallout 4 mod "Whipering Hills"
Привет, классная модель!
Я вижу на ней лицензия "CC Attribution-NonCommercialCreative"
Можно ли мне использовать эту модель в своей игре, если я планирую выпускать игру на телефонах бесплатно, а для пк платно?
Спасибо за ответ)
Hi cool model!
I see a "CC Attribution-NonCommercialCreative" license on it
Can I use this model in my game if I plan to release the game on phones for free, but for a PC for a fee?
Thanks for the answer)
nice one, could I use it for commercial game?