Kranos (@Kranos_CG)2 years agoI've seen it featured in an Autodesk vid showing 3ds Max color management updates. I like this design , it's not exaggerated and well balancedReplyReport comment
mahrcheen (@mahrcheen)6 years agoThe mirror modifier made the left caution warning flipReplyReport comment
Bartenterprise (@bartv)7 years agoI've featured you on!ReplyReport comment
I've seen it featured in an Autodesk vid showing 3ds Max color management updates. I like this design , it's not exaggerated and well balanced
Great vehicle
Excellent, thank you.
Piotr Pisiak: Nice, thanks!
@rithiksundaresan BLEH...sounds HORRIBLE...
@rithiksundaresan ok
Hey Lets see the movie please? (Link)?
i used for me indie game?
Beautiful work
bro how to settings opacity
Alf had one
Absolutely GORGEOUS!
Amazing where to download?
I LOVE this. cos is real
Great job!
Yesf abulous work,download pleeeeese!
this for download or for sale?
The mirror modifier made the left caution warning flip
I've featured you on BlenderNation:
Интересная модель
I love it. Beautiful work!
That's great! Staff picking it :)