Triangles: 551.2k
Vertices: 275.1k
More model informationAs usually, ✪ please first, if you like it and want to DOWNLOAD, ok?:)
Here is probably my thinnest work (because of spokes of the wheels)
ContextCapture, 300 photos, Sony a58, dark basement and flashlight, one rusty girl’s bike.
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeCC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
Nov 27th 2017
In collectionsSuggested 3D Models
Thanks so much for your sharing! Amazing work!
cool model and good job with those spokes!!!
@johngreenstone I'm planning to do a Retopo of your Scan to make a clean topology which support textures, it will be great if you could share the images you used to shoot on my mail id < > (to understand the melted areas in the scan).Thanks in advance :)
Super !!
@trickmachine Thanks! Check first test,
There just 35 photos and no post at all. Here not a lot of postprocess, I removed floor and bugs on handlebar. Also some color fixes becouse of flashlight bugs. Actually not so good reconstruction, about 100 photos skipped, can be called "fail" but I had no time before challenge finish to make better photos(flashlight ,flashlight!). Check raw photo in attachment also.
so much detail around the spokes and guards... not familiar with Context Capture, but was there much to do in cleaning up/healing the model? Would like to see a before and after model comparison if so. Thx, good upload and helped my research along.
Great Capture!
Nice !