Triangles: 1.7M
Vertices: 852.4k
More model informationMarble bust of the emperor Marcus Aurelius in a fringed cloak.
Draft scan, faulty bits to fix.
COL: GAA1804
Height 73.66cm From the house of Jason Magnus
Created from 100 photographs, Sony A6000 by Daniel Pett
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeCC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
Jul 6th 2017
@britishmuseum Yes, but I already fixed it :)
@gsxn you may have seen it is now. The edit properties popup link doesn't work at the moment. Taking the missing photos this morning. Dan
@britishmuseum Can you set the model so it can be downloadable?
If you fancy having a go @gsxn, then do. There's a few images that I got lens blur on when standing on tip toes avoiding tourists that I will redo tomorrow. Shoulder, drape and back.
If you like I can fix the model