Triangles: 25.9k
Vertices: 13.3k
More model informationModel is compact in size and poly, holds 1 pilot, and is a 1 Atmosphere ABS or DNV-GL Classed vessel. The configuration provides these private submersibles occupants an exceptional view and spacious cabin space while its light weight and smaller size makes these subs easier to integrate onto aanother ships. Fairly (LOWPOLY) ” ready for games and VR / AR projects.(Texture.Normalmap,Emissionmap).
Now available on
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The Textures names are not good at all. Please name the textures properly . The names you have are a nightmare to set especially in game engines .
use names like Body Albedo, Body Normal, Seat Albedo, Seat Normal, Body Emission and so on
@tiagojdferreira thanks a lot bro :D
Hey, I removed the category Electronics & Gadgets.
This is part of our category refresh, you can read about the update here:
And view guidelines for each category here:
Soon we will also limit each existing Sketchfab scene to one category, so pick your category carefully.
I love the control panel view. Awesome job :)