Skeleton of the left forelimb (mirrored) of a Poitou donkey, Equus africanus asinus (specimen UANT EQasi01301), a skeletal specimen from the FunMorph Lab, Universiteit Antwerpen, with elements colored to demonstrate forelimb anatomy. Scene created by Jaim Gray (oVert team). Prexisting meshes (see below) were assembled, edited, and colored using Blender and Meshlab.
The specimen died at Antwerp Zoo, and was donated to the Universiteit Antwerpen by Mr. Luc Tyteca of MuseOs Natuurhistorisch Museum in Belgium, who masserated and cleaned the bones. Original Mesh models were generated by Jamie MacLaren, using a laser surface scanner (Faro ScanArm Platinum V2 and Laser Point Probe). Data collection was funded by an FWO Scholarship.
File available for download on MorphoSource: