@bassboostedarmy Lol wow, if you're using Unity and don't have a 3D modeling software already installed you either have no idea what you're doing, or you're making the worst asset flip of all time. Quit being ungrateful, if you want a perfectly formatted model then shut up and go pay for one.
@shedmon Ofcourse dude, I looked at you profile and you have amazing work. I already have one model from you since before so seeing ungratefull people like that makes me angry. So on hte side note, are you okay with me using your models for my horror game? I already followed you and planned to have your name and site on the end credits :)
@bassboostedarmy Jesus, it is not that hard for you to download a free 3d program and open it and select delete what you don't want. I am amazed how ungratefull people are when there are people like shedmon here makes incredilbe 3d models for free to use. Give some gratitude dude...
just what I needed, 100/10, thanks bro
Impressive, thank you very much !!!
Thanky alot buddy!
thanks for the work you've done. it's awesome!
20/10 thanks mate
Incredible quality, 10/10 a must download from me :D
Sadly none of my software can split this . but hey it was free so I see no reason to complain
@bassboostedarmy Lol wow, if you're using Unity and don't have a 3D modeling software already installed you either have no idea what you're doing, or you're making the worst asset flip of all time. Quit being ungrateful, if you want a perfectly formatted model then shut up and go pay for one.
@shedmon Cool, thanks dude :)
@lossmannthedragkhar No problem, you can use my models wherever you want.
@shedmon Ofcourse dude, I looked at you profile and you have amazing work. I already have one model from you since before so seeing ungratefull people like that makes me angry. So on hte side note, are you okay with me using your models for my horror game? I already followed you and planned to have your name and site on the end credits :)
@lossmannthedragkhar thanks for the protection :D
@bassboostedarmy Jesus, it is not that hard for you to download a free 3d program and open it and select delete what you don't want. I am amazed how ungratefull people are when there are people like shedmon here makes incredilbe 3d models for free to use. Give some gratitude dude...
@shedmon nice... another program to download.
@bassboostedarmy you need use 3ds max or blender.
@shedmon Im using unity 3d, and there is no option to delete one of each... so, that's it
@bassboostedarmy open the model in any program for 3D modeling and just delete what you do not need.
how to separate the 2 from each other?!!!!
Perfect !
Awesome !
Да не за что, разрешение такое себе, потому что я не запаривался над моделью, сделал за полтора часа примерно с авторазверткой.
Модель отличная, спасибо!
Однако, хотелось бы побольше разрешения на столешнице, особенно у нормалей :)
Вот, что получилось: deviantart.com/a-sennov/art/Workbench-WI...