Triangles: 331.4k
Vertices: 165.9k
More model informationMy friend’s tea set.. 4 photogrammetry models in one scene.
Tea bowl - 797 photos, teapot body - 880 photos, lid - 603 photos, handle - 2x384 photos Photogrammetry trough RC.
4k difuse map, normal map, concavity map, ambient occlusion map
For contest KitchenScanChallenge
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Sep 28th 2019
Just an excellent work and THANK YOU so much for sharing. Tea time...

What more to say? Congratulations!!!
We featured your model on Instagram!
We featured your model on Facebook!
We featured your model on Twitter!
also giving this a Staff Pick :)
Congratulations! Your model won the Sketchfab Kitchen Ware Scanning Challenge!
We just announced your win on the Blog:
And the Forum:
Bart and Tom will be in touch soon regarding prizes. :)
You're featured in this week's 'Most Popular on Sketchfab' top 10!
Thanks for posting such great 3D! Share the collection on social media to get even more eyes on your work.
Awesome! :D
@bartv @WilliamDomeyer @broflodge @paul3uk Thanks guys. It was challenging :)
Excellent scan .. well done !!
Excellent work, great textures/shading! Thanks for creating and sharing your work. Time for some tea...
So stunning! The texture you achieved in unbelievable!!
Amazing scan! I'm just processing my own and shiny objects are HARD.