Coffin of Pa-di-mut3D Model
Egypt (Thebes, Deir el-Bahari)
Dynasty 22, 945–712 BC
Painted cartonnage (linen and plaster)
Gift of Theodore M. Davis
Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East 1901.9.1
Pa-di-mut was a priest and metal engraver in the Temple of Amun-Re at Karnak, Thebes (modern Luxor). The cartonnage case that enclosed his mummy was unusually carved in relief in the plaster before painting. The images are related to Pa-di-mut’s successful entry into the afterlife. On his chest, the jackal-headed god Anubis attends to Pa-di-mut’s mummy. Above it is seated the hawk-headed sun god Re-Horakhty, crowned with a solar disk. The figure of the deified Eighteenth Dynasty king Amenhotep I (1525–1504 BC), patron of the necropolis/burial ground, replaces the usual image of the god Osiris on the back.
Photogrammetry by Peter Der Manuelian
3D modeling by Mohamed Abdelaziz, Indiana University, Egyptology
This model is for educational, non-commercial use only.
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
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