Triangles: 457k
Vertices: 230.1k
More model informationCreated this for my personal project, Software used : Blender, Substance painter and marmoset toolbag for render Here images are very low res, So it’s gonna look blurry if you zoom in, You can check those details on my artstation page, Link to my artstation :
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Jan 16th 2020
@momsboxtv No reason actually, wasn't meant to be game ready or anything, I made this just for rendering.
For this character
Vertices: 230.1k ? why so many ?
this looks insane!, would i be able to use this in my game project?
your model in the video
didnt import uv maps for ue4 idk why
Rigged your model and got rid of the scope for personal use, @ me if you want it
Can you help me on why when i load it on blender its invisble ?
@Joe-jm0317 I uploaded directly using substance painter, so looks like you can download dae file,
You can use blender or other software to open (import) this file,
What kind of program can I open this with?
Mine's not compatible.
@ayersalex17 Thanks
amazing work!