@galaxyswapperv2 Well in blender just add the head and the body, select head armature first, then body armature, then hit ctrl J, and you connect them. Do the same for the mesh. Head first, then body. Then go to pose mode, double click on the neck until you see neck_001 which is a duplicate. and go to edit mode, press, select, similar, suffix and delete them in edit mode. and connect whatever bone isn't connected by going in edit mode, select the bone that isn't connected, and shift select the bone that is connected to the body, and go to edit mode, and hit ctrl P, and press keep offset. And that's it. And I'll do renegade raider
@PatoZoiudu SIM DE GRAÇA !! Aproveitar!
@Djsigksj alright I'll make it soon
Style 2.
@ispeakzhongwen22 style 2.
@Djsigksj Which style?
Nice! Can you make lynx next?
What program you use
@galaxyswapperv2 your welcome
@galaxyswapperv2 Well in blender just add the head and the body, select head armature first, then body armature, then hit ctrl J, and you connect them. Do the same for the mesh. Head first, then body. Then go to pose mode, double click on the neck until you see neck_001 which is a duplicate. and go to edit mode, press, select, similar, suffix and delete them in edit mode. and connect whatever bone isn't connected by going in edit mode, select the bone that isn't connected, and shift select the bone that is connected to the body, and go to edit mode, and hit ctrl P, and press keep offset. And that's it. And I'll do renegade raider
@dhirent304 Your welcome man! Thanks for letting me know I'm helping out
@Keithhtiekeith Lol, it's not a thing, it's a woman with some kind of Tony Stark lookin tech suit.
WOW, That thing is ALIVE !