Awesome!! Love the style.. I just miss some small "easter egg", some hidden jam somewhere.. some small opening to see into one of the appartments or a rat on one of the I-beams :)
Omg sorry for double comment but I just read the wip thread & I'm in love with all the concept arts and WIPs, now. A big thank you for sharing all this stuff, and again: beautiful work (y)
oh its so cool
This is amazing! Love it so much
this is so great! do you mind sharing insight into your workflow process of softwares you used?
The facial expression! xd What kind of creature is it?
Awesome!! Love the style.. I just miss some small "easter egg", some hidden jam somewhere.. some small opening to see into one of the appartments or a rat on one of the I-beams :)
@seori WOW! That's cool!
Thank you very much for appreciating our work!
We loved this so much we shared it on social! Hope this brought people over who appreciate it as much as we do!
@seori @Igotron @bartv @curlscurly @khea @iggy-design Thank you all guys!! ^^
So Good!!
Omg sorry for double comment but I just read the wip thread & I'm in love with all the concept arts and WIPs, now. A big thank you for sharing all this stuff, and again: beautiful work (y)
Wow awesome, I love it so much!
This style is amazing, love all the details in this, especially that Ramen sign!
I love the chaotic atmosphere. Staff picked!
Very nice place :)
Love this! I want to visit and eat there!