Triangles: 734.5k
Vertices: 372k
More model informationLowpoly 3D Level MUD Kits, available for download. ready for animation, games and VR / AR projects. Available in any file format including FBX, OBJ, MAX, 3DS, C4D. recommended for game and VR projects . Cheers!
feel free to walk through my small level!
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Jun 13th 2017
Now available on
Get it on FabIn collectionsSuggested 3D Models
ITS BEAUTIFUL! Im using it for a star wars type game, this helped me SO MUCH! AMAZING WORK!
Archive doesnt have a lot of normal maps, like normal map for Material #27.
Thank for your kindness and sharing great work.
That's amazing project!
If anyone sees this, can you please make it a blender file (texturized and all that) and submit it on blendswap plz and thanks!?
@Lawrence.Oluchukwu.Joshua thanks :D
its beautiful...well done
Your welcome
@dalukesta thanks a lot
,send me your email so i can send this model to you .
@pedramashoori i saw this model for sale on a different site after sending the message. You seem like a real nice person so i have no problem paying the small price of $6. You have lots of talent
@dalukesta sure, i would love to set it for free download like before, but skechfab remove the download option for this model. dont know why ?
this is amazing!!! could i please use this? I dont see a download?
This is amazing my friend. Greetings all the way from costa rica.
This is incredible work!! I will give credit if used. I am absolutely floored by your skills!
Omg, this is awesome and game ready level! wow, havent done games for a while, but will be cool to do a walkthrough using C4D to see it!
thank you very much!
Nice job my friend, i love this i will use for an project in the university but i will give the credit, thanks man
Very generous sharing from You! Thank you.
@pedramashoori Thanks!
@neon_gray117 sure,my pleasure