Triangles: 66.2k
Vertices: 33.1k
More model informationLOWPOLY 3D Battle Spaceship model for my beloved gamers. Available in any file format including FBX, OBJ, MAX, 3DS, C4D. Ready for your games and VR / AR projects. (texture.normal map,emission). Flying fast and high!
Now available on
Get it on Fab
Thank you, I most definitely will post a link here when I'm finished.. With my current project list vs personal schedule, it could be up to a month or so before I complete the project, but I will post when I've completed and have it in game.. :)
@Kremit Yes for sure :) ,pls send me back your link.
Mind if I put this in my "No Man's Sky" mod for new ships? It's a bit high poly for the game, so I'll probably have to remove the rocket packs on the top deck, the missile launchers or extended boosters on the bottom, the dome turrets on the top deck, the wedge like bridge across the top deck at the very rear of the ship, the sonar dishes and possibly anything else that can reduce the triangle count while maintaining the overall look of the ship.. You'll receive full credits (and link to this page as source) on my mod's description display as well as in the ship_credits text file included in the archive..