Triangles: 14k
Vertices: 7.4k
More model informationHere’s a small personal project where I was experimenting with a few new techniques. There are a few too many polys at the moment, but as a pokeball just floating in space, it’ll do.
Modeled in 3ds Max, baked and textured in Substance Painter.
@Fr3d61 Heyo! I can definitely help you out here. Send me a DM on Instagram (@aclund3) and we can chat.
@aclund3 Hey man, I'd love to use this model for private use in one of my own projects. I am upgrading a pokeball toy I got from the pokemon centre in Tokyo and it would be very helpful if I could use your model as reference. Thanks
@tytanium Hi friend, thanks for compliment! If you'd like the model for personal use, I can definitely help you out and send over the files
If it's for commercial use, send me a DM on Instagram (@aclund3) and we can chat more privately there 
Hello! I’ve noticed you made a really stellar model of the Pokéball. I was wondering if we could talk about how I could obtain this model for a project of mine. Thank you!
@paulchambers3d No worries. I was unaware of the guidelines. Thanks for cleaning it up!
Hey, I removed the categories Animals & Pets, Electronics & Gadgets and Science & Technology.
This is part of our category refresh, you can read about the update here:
And view guidelines for each category here:
Soon we will limit each Sketchfab scenes to two categories, so choose carefully! You can use tags to further classify your model.